Douglas Earle, LMFT
Douglas Earle is a member of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists, and is currently working towards his certification with the association. Douglas works with couples, individuals, as well as poly relationships in a safe, sex positive environment. Here, Douglas helps people heal from past traumas, and identify and heal from out-of-control sexual behavior. He aids people identify elements in one’s life that may be inhibiting one from fully experiencing their sexual identity, needs and desires. Even if that means expressing in a way that is unique to you and differs from others. He helps relationships dealing with issues that cause distress in the relationship and inhibit exploration of their sexual selves.
Here you can ask any question free of judgement and criticism. Is it ok if I like this or do that? How does age, injury or medication affect me, my partner, or partners sexually? How do I talk to my spouse about my needs, fantasies, or set boundaries? Could I be addicted to sex or porn? How can we spice things up in the bedroom? How do I protect myself from pregnancy, or sexually transmitted infections? What does it mean if I do have an infection? How do I perform sexually when certain sexual body parts are not functioning like they should? What is “real” sex? In other words, Douglas helps you debunk myths and raise your sexual intelligence. Let us learn how to have sex that doesn’t fail and create closeness and intimacy with ourselves and partner, or partners.