What's the Consent Form About by Carrah Jones

What are Consent Forms and Why Do They Matter? 

Consent forms are documents meant to inform you of exactly what you’re signing up for and although they can seem lengthy, it’s important to read them all the way through. Consent forms contain information about what you can expect from therapy and what your therapist expects from you. If you are feeling somewhat nervous about going to therapy, these might actually make you feel better! Having a basic understanding of what to expect from therapy can help calm nerves and answer questions you may have about the process. 

Consent forms should be written in a way that is reasonably understandable to you as the client. Not only should it be easy to read and understand, you as the client should have the capacity to consent. This means that you have been informed of processes and procedures related to your treatment, you are made aware of the potential risks of therapy, and you are freely consenting without being influenced by your therapist or others. 

What Should I Expect to See in my Consent Form? 

Consent forms should clearly communicate your rights as a client, as well as general policies and procedures. You should expect to see information regarding your right to withdraw from therapy at any time without penalty. You should also expect to read about your right to confidentiality as well as the limits to confidentiality. There are certain situations where your therapist cannot keep your information confidential and those situations should be explained in your consent form. Involvement of 3rd parties such as doctors or other therapists should be included so that you are aware of exactly who may know information about you. Some other important aspects of a consent from are the risks and benefits of therapy, information regarding electronic communication, and fees and billing. 

Overall, it is important that you take the time to read your consent forms so that you are fully prepared for therapy. Consent forms may seem intimidating at first but taking the time to read and understand them is definitely worth your while!

- Written by Carrah Jones, MFT Student Therapist

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